Thursday, July 29, 2010


I'm back!

For several years, I've dabbled in blogging and would invariably give it up. I can't even tell you how many blogs or blog names I've been through. (Ok, it's not really that many, but enough for me to forget.) Excuses? Not enough time to blog. Fear of weirdos reading about my family. Angry anonymous commenters who think they can force their bizarre views on me and change the world, and me, by telling me off. Indecisiveness about backgrounds, story ideas, using nicknames for my family or going completely private. Not liking my writing style. 

But I miss it. I miss my bloggy friends. I miss connecting with other moms out there in cyber space, who's own stories and challenges remind me that I am normal and that my family is pretty darn great. I miss my online diaries of events happening in my world; in my family. Even if no one else popped by to read the words I agonized over to get just right, I knew in my mind I was writing for my children. So that one day we could look back and say, "Ohhhhhh. I forgot all about that!" or "Wow, Mom, I didn't realize I was like that as a kid!"

I've realized recently that I'm having a hard time remembering who said what, or who certain things happened to....even with my 2 year old! Geez, shouldn't I be able to recall the things my 2 year old has experienced?! I feel like I'm losing it. (Maybe we can just blame it on the "pregnancy brain" hmmm?) I don't want to forget. I want them to remain my babies forever. Well, maybe not babies per se, but I just wish I could freeze time once-in-a-while. There's something extremely gratifying about cataloging the events, words said and snapshots of our days together, hence my need to create a blog... yet again.

With each new blog, and certainly this one, I think to myself, "This will be The One. This one is gonna convey exactly what I intended. I will make time to blog this time around. I will make the effort- whether in early morning or late at night- to write these things down for my kids. I will enjoy it."

And I hope you do too.©


  1. Welcome back to the world of blogging:)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I see you've already had an anonymous message- what'd it say?! LOL!

    Anyway I love your writings and stories! Can't wait to get back into 'em!!!

  4. it was me! lol I was testing the comments to see how easy or hard it would be for someone without a blog to comment. I had a couple people tell me, when I was writing the NJ blog, that they found it too difficult to comment. So this time I wanted to see if it really was. And nope, it's easy-peasy.
    So no more excuses, friends and family!! ;)

  5. I love keeping up with your family through your blogs!! :) another friend just started a blog for her family and friends to keep up with their little one. All these blogs are making me think that I should start one...
